Library Mission and Goals
The Mission of Hermann Memorial Library is to support the information needs of the students, staff and faculty of Sullivan County Community College, as well as any community members or outside researchers that may wish to use our resources and services. To accomplish this end, here are a list of our goals:
Priority 1: Stay responsive to the information needs of the college
- Select and provide appropriate learning resources required by students, faculty and the public in all the curricula, continuing education and community-oriented college programs.
- Organize, house and manage all collections in a bibliographically accessible and useful way.
- Borrow materials from other libraries, when necessary, to supplement our collections in support of users’ needs through participation in resource-sharing programs.
- Select and facilitate access to computerized full-text services and research databases.
- Maintain a library web page that provides access and guidance to online research and Internet resources.
- Work with other departments on campus to create and maintain collections that are useful for the goals of those departments when these opportunities are presented
- Maintain and curate a relevant course reserves collection that allows students access to course material useful for classwork
Priority 2: Provide and improve on essential services offered by the library, such as information literacy instruction and reference services.
- Assist library users in finding information contained in the library’s print and electronic collections as well as in remote resources delivered over the Internet.
- Instruct and guide all college constituencies in the uses of collections, in methods of research and in the application of new information technologies to learning.
- Be a center of information literacy education on the college campus.
- Publish bibliographies and other informational and instructional research guides in support of curricula and the broad educational mission of the college.
- Explore novel technologies and methods that may improve the services and resources offered by the library, including video and online instruction
- Partner with other departments to share resources and to integrate library services into the greater campus community
Priority 3: Create a welcoming, friendly, inclusive study environment within the library for all academic and community members alike.
- Create or maintain spaces that allow for different types of study, including quiet areas, group study sessions, and low distraction technology use.
- Realize effective strategies to create an inclusive, safe environment for all to explore and learn.
- Consider any suggestion from library users that may improve services or resources.
[Revised Fall 2023]