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Request Information Literacy Instruction

Want a session for your class with a librarian to go over information literacy at SUNY Sullivan?

Fill out this form and our librarian will contact you with a confirmation of the date and time. You can also email and Eli can help you set up the session.

You can see the dates and times already reserved on the calendar below.

Information Literacy Resources

Here are some downloadable resources for use in your class. Feel free to use them as you see fit.

Course Reserve Policy

The purpose of the library’s Course Reserve process is to allow our students access to course materials they may not otherwise have access to. 

Instructors can add course materials to the Course Reserves. Reserve material is loaned to students for up to three hours, library use only. Despite the library’s best efforts, not every text, for every course, can be found on Reserve.

Libraries follow two key copyright guidelines to determine what can be placed on reserve:

  • The First Sale Doctrine which states that once a library has purchased any print item the library may lend that legally obtained copy without the permission of the copyright holder.
  • Fair Use which allows for educational copying under limited circumstances, of materials that are under copyright protection. Both of these supportive guidelines do have limitations.

Course Reserve Procedures

A successful Course Reserve collection at SUNY Sullivan is largely dependent on instructor submissions.

All Course Reserve material must be associated with a class being taught during the current semester.

Generally three types of material are placed on reserve:

1. Textbooks

2. Personal copies of books, articles, etc. owned by the faculty

3. Library owned materials

Library Procedure for Textbooks:

We cannot place complimentary or not-for-sale textbooks on Course Reserve unless they are accompanied by a permission letter from the copyright holder. Why? The first sale doctrine. This is not a legally purchased item and therefore cannot be loaned by the library. A textbook that is not complimentary may be placed on Course Reserve, however faculty must assume all liability for loss or damage. Please be aware that textbooks will be marked with minimal stickers/tape.

Library Procedure for Personal Copies: June 28, 2016

Personal items may be placed on Course Reserve, however faculty must assume all liability for loss or damage. Please be aware that personal items may be marked with minimal stickers/tape.

Library Owned Materials:

Library owned materials from the Circulating collection may be added to the Course Reserves following the same procedure.

Taking Items Off of Reserve:

Please retrieve your textbook once you no longer use that textbook/edition for your course. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions regarding the Reserve process and/or policy.

Open Educational Resources

Open Educational Resources (OER) are an invaluable asset to students. Please consider adopting OER for your class next semester. If you need any assistance finding high-quality OER textbooks and course materials, we can help!